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Tiaho Mai: New Mental Health Inpatient Unit - Confident This Will Make a Difference

Updated: Feb 1, 2019

Mental Health support services in Counties Manukau have taken a big step forward this month with opening of Stage 1 of the new $57 million Tiaho Mai at Middlemore Hospital.

The facility, that provides acute adult in-patient treatment and support is a first of its kind in New Zealand. Co-designed with service users, whānau and staff the new unit has multiple courtyards and open spaces to support people on their recovery from acute mental health problems.

This spacious setting is a unique, reassuring way to address mental health in New Zealand. Counties Manukau District Health Board are enthusiastic to see what the future holds for this facility, with high hopes that it can create a positive impact for acute mental health patients.

At the opening ceremony David Clarke, Minister of Health was pleased that the new centre means patients and their whānau “will not feel restricted or imprisoned” reporting that it feels “hopeful walking into this unit, seeing the changes that have been made”. Counties Manukau Health Senior Cultural Advisor Mahaki Albert agreed that unit would help whānau “feel peace while gaining ora for themselves”.

Tess Ahern, General Manager for Integrated Mental Health & Addictions at Counties Manukau Health believes this innovation is “something really different to anything else that has happened in New Zealand before”, thus expecting positive change to occur.

Construction of Stage 2 of the facility will be commencing in 2019, and once completed will be able to welcome 76 patients.

Middlemore Foundation would like to thank donors for their contribution to this new facility. Without the generosity from the public, this facility would not have been completed.

Middlemore Foundation CEO Sandra Geange is beyond grateful for donations received towards this new building “We couldn’t have got to this point without our generous and committed donors. We are about to jump into fund-raising for stage two - which is desperately needed in our community - so please get in touch if you would like to fund-raise, donate funds or learn more - the job is not yet done and we need to press on”.



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