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Stroke Patient Brian and Freemasons gift equipment to Ward 23

“Ward 23 is a special place for those that come through it and I wanted to acknowledge this team who looked after me here and when I got home.” Brian

After spending six weeks in Ward 23, Middlemore Hospital's Stroke and Rehabilitation Unit, Brian, a former patient and Freemason, wanted to express his gratitude. He had received exceptional care during his stay and throughout his recovery at home. Motivated by his appreciation for staff, the ward, and his experience, Brian rallied his fellow Freemasons to support the ward in making life easier for patients on their recovery journey.

Together with Ward 23 staff, Brian identified special furniture and equipment to support stroke patients in rehabilitation which the Freemasons then purchased. To celebrate this generosity, Ward 23 organised a morning tea, attended by Brian, his family, fellow Freemasons, and the Stroke and Rehabilitation team. During the event, Rehabilitative Therapy Assistant Jo Paton highlighted the tables' significant impact on patient's daily lives, calling them 'life-changing'. They are heavy-duty electric height-adjustable tables, designed to meet diverse patient needs and provide versatility for therapy sessions, meals, and activities like carpentry and gardening. Also donated were iPads with games to facilitate physical therapy rehabilitation for patients working to regain both cognitive strength and physical movement. There were also special boards gifted to help patients prepare food using only one hand which improves their experience, supporting independence and confidence.  These purchases involved collaborative efforts from various occupational therapists, researchers, and experts in the field to make sure that the furniture and equipment chosen, were right for patients' needs.

Thank you Brian and the Freemasons for your generosity and thoughtfulness in this gift.

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