“Waipuke ana te whenua ki te ua o te rangi, Waipuke ana tangata i te nui o te aroha.” “When rain from the heavens overwhelms the land, aroha for the people will increase”. Naa Kiingi Tuheitia
Manukau Urban Māori Authority (MUMA)
MUMA are coordinating some of the areas' Urban Marae response. They told us of a family of 8 who had lost everything. They were able to take them directly to the Warehouse to purchase hygiene items.
Mangere East Family Services
Helping about 15 families, Mangere East Family Services are using the vouchers to buy new clothes because there is a demand for larger sizes. They've found a number of families still living in their yellow stickered homes.
Manurewa Marae
Manurewa Marae are providing emergency relief for 78 affected households and delivered 320 kai pack deliveries. Their support is now extending to families who have taken in other whanau and need assistance to feed and help them.
Rawiri Community House
Rawiri Community House is supporting 30 families and is not receiving any government support at the moment.
Pro Love
Pro Love is an organisation that works with young parents. They are using the vouchers to make up baby packs and mother necessities. Pro Love have had multiple waves of mothers requesting support following the floods.
Pukekohe Emergency Response
Vouchers are helping Robert Clark, Mana Whenua Lead for Middlemore Hospital, establish the Pukekohe Emergency response that is looking after 40 whaanau in Haruaki and Franklin who needed to leave their homes
Turuki Health Care
Turuki Health Care have carried out 357 welfare checks and responded to 180 whanau, mainly Maori in Mangere. They also looking after whanau from Pukaki Marae, Ihumatao and Te Puea Marae.
Leabank Primary School
Many families of Leabank Primary School have taken in extended family to stay with them during the floods and the cleaning up period due to homes being inhabitable.
Manurewa Community Houses
They are working to rehouse 47 whanau and are using the vouchers to stock the homes.
Te Ora Puawai
This collective provides free wholistic support to people/patients/community with a disability or who have two or more long-term conditions of health and is supporting over 150 families in South Auckland.