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Easter Knitter Knatter Morning Tea

It was a pleasure to host our Autumn Knitter Knatter morning tea onsite at Middlemore Hospital after COVID has kept our knitters away for so long. We are so lucky to have a dedicated community of knitters who keep our littlest patients warm and snug in lovingly knitted items.

Middlemore Foundation Knitters and Sewers enjoyed a knit and a knatter over hot cross buns and scones. It is fabulous having the opportunity to catch up, share ideas and celebrate our volunteers who give up so much of their time to knit and sew for us.

Last year over 8000 items were distributed to Middlemore Hospital's Birthing Unit, Neonatal Unit, Emergency Department, and Kidz First. Multiple staff passing by the event popped in to say thank you and tell stories about beloved knitted items donated to their wards. Kidz First Emergency Department's Sarah came along to speak about the impact of gifting new parents a pack full of baby items and told stories from the ED.

We also distribute donated items to our partner community organisations to gift to families in need. Jaylene from Manurewa Community Houses spoke to the group about the difference their knitting made to families under her care, particularly in the wake of the Auckland floods.

Thank you to our beautiful community of dedicated knitters and sewers for all your time, love and effort that goes into your donations!

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